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1Be sure to bring comfy shoes and leave the PSP at home.
2Fitch considers that PSP has substantial headroom at its current rating level.
3The PSP sold 286K units at retail for the month of October.
4But that didn't stop the PSP from getting steamrolled by cheaper competition.
5Steve Stephens was spotted this morning by PSP members in Erie County.
6More recently, he has worked on Vaio laptops and the PSP 3000.
7Pharmacological data indicated that both types of PSPs are mediated by glutamate.
8Somebody trying to be a joker brought a PSP to the event.
9Maybe if this was a PSP game, they could have done that.
10But there was no mention of lip gloss, PSPs or Ugg boots.
11A few more of the walking wounded were erecting small PSP shelters.
12It includes headphones, a face cover for you PSP, and a pouch.
13To better estimate the actual number of PSPs, we present an alternative workflow.
14It will take maybe twelve days, including putting in the PSP.
15A new PSP is certain, but what other surprises could be in store?
16A bit under eleven thousand pieces of PSP, three hundred tons and change.